How to ship luggage
- Written by Abigail Jacobs
- Published: 15 November 2016
Are you going on holiday but you have too much luggage? Or do you have to move to another place? Don’t worry, Sendparcelnow.com allows you to ship luggage and avoid restrictions imposed by airline companies Are you thinking about buying souvenirs but you’re afraid of airport taxes? We can help.The following page shows you how to ship your luggage safely.
It’s very simple and cheap to ship luggage with Sendparcelnow.com. We provide you with low prices and fast shipping services which allows your luggage to arrive quickly to your specified destination.
Do you know how to ship luggage? First of all, choose what you want to ship and how many luggages you will need. Then book the shipment by clicking the button below and filling in the online order form with sender and recipient addresses and other shipping information.
For a best services first calculate delivery times and choose the right date of departure (the delivery times of Sendparcelnow.com generally don’t exceed 3-4 working days).
How to pack a luggage to be ship
We recommend you pack your luggage properly in order to avoid any issues. You can put your luggage into a strong cardboard box or wrap it with packaging film. We advise you to use a strong cardboard box for the shipment of hard side luggage, otherwise use more cardboard boxes to wrap it completely. Hard side luggage is more fragile than soft side luggage, which is the reason why you need to ensure they are packed properly. First of all, though, you need to pack fragile items and put them in the luggage to avoid breakage. You can use bubble wrap or polystyrene sheets depending on their fragility. Next, pack your luggages with the right packaging materials.
For more information, you can consult the sections "packaging materials" and "how to pack" located at the bottom of this page.
Watch now our video tutorial How to pack a luggage for shipping
There are many advantages to shipping luggage such as saving costs and traveling free from clutter.
What are you waiting for? Send your bags now with SendParcelNow.com and save time, effort and money!